Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Less Antibiotic Use - Urinary Tract Infection

When you end up with a Urinary Tract Infection, how do you fight it off?

I ended up with a UTI a few weeks ago. I've had them before, so I knew when I got that burning sensation when I peed that it might be the start of a UTI. I really hate calling the doctor and asking for the medication and I was bound to beat this infection on my own if I could. 

I knew that cranberry juice helped fight UTIs, but I hate the taste of all juices, especially cranberry. But I sucked it up, held my breath and downed a bunch of cranberry juice. It seemed to help on a temporary basis. I would drink 8-16 ounces, it would get better that day, but the next day I felt the burning again. I probably wasn't drinking enough cranberry juice, but I have limits.

My taste buds were hating me. Plus, I knew I was taking in a bunch of unnecessary calories in juice. I was drinking Ocean Spray brand that had added apple and pear juice (for the sugars). The other option was a straight up cranberry juice with a bunch of sugar added. Neither option seems great to me.

Still determined to fight this infection on my own, I found out, through another mom, there are cranberry pills designed to help with UTIs! I was fascinated with this concept. If it worked it would save my taste buds and my calorie intake. I went straight to Whole Foods and found an organic cranberry pill that supports a healthy urinary tract! Awesome!

I started taking one pill a day. I knew it would probably take time to work. I had the UTI on and off for over a week at this point. It was a Tuesday when I started taking the daily cranberry pill. By Friday I was peeing constantly (almost peeing my pants a few times running to the bathroom). By Saturday morning the burning was at it's worst since the beginning. 

I told myself that if by Monday morning I was still feeling crappy, I would give in and call my doctor. I had about 16 oz of cranberry juice left in the refrigerator that I drank throughout the day Saturday and continued my daily cranberry pill through the weekend. 

Monday morning came and I felt almost 100% better. I was amazed! It's now Wednesday and I fell 100% better. I am still taking the daily cranberry pill through this week to help make sure I'm completely cleared of my UTI.

I think it's normal to feel worse before you feel better. And the fact that I was peeing constantly was probably a sign that I was flushing the bad bacteria from my bladder. I am so pumped that I beat this UTI naturally! At the first sign of another UTI, will be be taking my cranberry pills again!

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