Tuesday, March 1, 2016

An Experiment to Declutter Toys - Part 2

My experiment partially worked. Within 24 hours of picking their 3 toys each, they really didn't play with them and asked to switch out toys. I ended up allowing them to switch during the week. I found out that some toys are more novelty to my girls and they are excited to play with them for 10 minutes after being in storage and then they are done with them (I want to declutter these out of my home). By this weekend I found the girls being more creative with other toys (these are the toys I want to keep).

I have moved away from the girls each picking 3 toys. It wasn't a successful exercise for us, but putting toys out of sight was a nice step. When the girls said they wanted more toys out of storage, I had them ask for specific things.

Here is where we are at now:

1. Bin of Legos
2. Stuffed Animals/Dolls
3. Piano & Radio/CD player
4. Bin of Coloring Books
5. Wicker Basket of Toys - princess dresses, hair design kit, doctor kit, play computer, Noah's ark, stacking cups, Uno Moo Game, Brain Quest

The big unknown at the moment is the Barbies. The girls haven't asked to play with them yet. 

My hope is that we can get to the point that all toys we own fit in the wicker basket, no more.