Monday, May 11, 2015

Experiment Seven: A Less Convenient Way To Clean Dishes

I'm not much of a cook. I really don't enjoy cooking. I am happy with my regular steel cut oats and frozen blueberries in the morning, a simple lunch, and a simple dinner. If a recipe has more than 4 steps I usually don't bother because it's just not worth it to me. The plus side to eating simple - you end up with a lot less dirty dishes!

Goodbye Dishwasher

This past January, my husband broke our dishwasher after trying to fix our dishwasher (haha).  I decided to hold an experiment: How long can we go without our dishwasher? I am happy to report that it has been about 4 months and I haven't missed the dishwasher. I am use to hand washing and don't ever think about the inconvenience of it.

Having simple meals and left overs keeps our dirty dishes to a minimum.

Another thing that helps is that we have simplified out dinnerware/glassware. We are a family of 5 with seven bowls, 10 plates, 4 little bowls (great for fruit, crackers, ice cream) 5 glass cups, and 6 coffee cups. This means we have to keep up with our dirty dishes throughout the day to eat our next meal. Sometimes we can get away with 2 meals in a row, but over all we have to stay caught up. The great thing about this is the dirty stack never gets too big. It's easy to stay caught up.

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