Can a family with 3 kids, living in the suburbs, survive happily with only one car? That is the question and most people would say - IMPOSSIBLE!
But I am here to say it is POSSIBLE.
We experimented with being a one car family in the summer of 2014. You can read about it HERE. At the end of our experiment we stayed a two vehicle family, but knew that one day we would want to make a permanent change.
Time went by and we continued to talk about selling our PRIUS - some day. Or maybe our mini van when our kids are out of car seats. Then the most amazing this happened while talking to a friend from college. I was sharing our decluttering stories and our experiment with almost selling our Prius.
Her first question: Are you still looking to sell it? We are thinking of buying a Prius!
I was shocked and at first I said: I'm not sure. I loved our Prius, but after my shock settled I realized that is was an answer to my silent prayer. We could become a one vehicle family, sell our beloved Prius to friends, and the transaction would be easy for both of us. It was a win win.
I haven't missed the Prius since it left our drive way and I am so happy that we have friends who are able enjoy it.
But how are we doing it?
The girls and I drive my husband to work.
I drive my twins to Preschool (not walking distance).
We pick up my husband after work.
If its nice, I walk my oldest to school (no preschool these days).
If its not nice weather, we drive my husband to work and pick him up.
My husband works from home - no car conflicts.
My husband doesn't work weekends - no car conflicts. This is usually when I grocery shop & run other errands (we rarely have other errands).
Do you think your family could live with one car? What do you think limits your family's ability to downsize to one vehicle? Comment below - maybe I'll have an idea for you.
Do you think your family could live with one car? What do you think limits your family's ability to downsize to one vehicle? Comment below - maybe I'll have an idea for you.
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